
스마트제조연구실_신동민 교수님
Smart-Manufacturing Lab.

 In the era of digital transformation and Industry N.0, the dynamics of interactions among diverse systems—including both artificial intelligence entities and humans—has become incredibly complex and intricate. From smart manufacturing to cyber-physical systems in power plants, AI-powered military operations, and autonomous air traffic control, there's a pressing need for innovative and efficient coordination mechanisms. Moreover, the burgeoning field of ubiquitous computing, at the heart of the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing, calls for cutting-edge formal methodologies. These methodologies can drive the design, analysis, and implementation of next-generation information technology.
At the Human-Manufacturing System Lab, our goal is to tackle the cutting-edge challenges associated with the seamless integration of information technology and advanced control theory—or more concisely, Interact. Our exploration spans a range of application domains, including Industry 4.0-inspired smart manufacturing systems, human-AI collaborative systems, and other emerging smart interactive systems.