ODM 연구실 - 산업경영공학과
ODM 연구실
ODM Lab Optimization & Decision Making Lab |
지도교수 | 김현준 교수님 |
Hompage | https://sites.google.com/view/odm-lab/ |
연구실 소개
Welcome to ODM(Optimization & Decision Making) Lab. Our team is passionate about handling complex problems that bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical applications in various industries. Through a blend of innovative methodologies and optimization-based technologies, we strive to develop solutions that are not only efficient and scalable but also sustainable in the long term.
Research Interests
Our lab focuses on a wide range of research topics and methods in the field of Operations Research. Our main areas of interest are as follows:
Research Topics:
Vehicle Routing Problems: We delve into various Vehicle Routing Problems including Orienteering Problems, exploring efficient ways to route vehicles in diverse contexts to optimize operations and reduce costs.
Supply Chain Management & Facility Locations: Our research extends to optimizing the locations of facilities such as Hydrogen Refueling Stations and their supply networks, ensuring sustainability and efficiency in the supply chain.
Industrial Optimization Problems: We tackle challenges in manufacturing processes, spatial layout design, and scheduling, aiming to enhance productivity.
Data Science: Our work in data science focuses on demand estimation and prediction, utilizing advanced analytics to inform decision-making processes and strategic planning.
Research Methods:
Mathematical Programming
Heuristics / Metaheuristics / Matheuristics
Dynamic Programming
Column Generation / Branch-and-Bound / Branch-and-Cut / Branch-and-Price
Reinforcement Learning
Machine Learning / Deep Learning
<주요 연구 분야> | 주요 연구 분야 |