AIIS 연구실_오요셉 교수님
Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Systems Lab.
연구실 홈페이지
연구실 소개
- AIIS(Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Systems) Lab utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to develop engineering solutions with the overarching aim of creating smart manufacturing systems. Our vision of smart manufacturing involves connected, real-time, intelligent, flexible, sustainable, and autonomous systems that enhance productivity in product, process, and production engineering through close interaction between the physical and virtual worlds. This interaction is achieved through a closed-loop comprising monitoring, learning, management, and feedback. Our mission is to push the boundaries of knowledge in the field of smart manufacturing.
주요 연구 분야
- (1) 심층강화학습 기반 산업 시스템 운용
- (2) 비전 데이터를 활용한 산업인공지능
- (3) 3D프린팅 기반 대량맞춤형생산